
an overcast spring walk

Walked outside twice today. Once before lunch after I'd been hunched over the computer grading assignments and listening to webinars. And again with my roommate and neighbor after work ended for the day. 

S L O W is the theme of life these days, for most of the world in quarantine (except for medical professionals working around the clock to fight this virus). COVID-19, why don't you slow down too? No need to hurry. 

"Hurry keeps the heart earth-bound." [Sarah Young] If that is so, then this halt of  all activity is opening our eyes to see what is eternal. It's not entertainment, not making money and finding security in finances, not going here there and everywhere. All of these are idols to the over-indulged, self-focused American. 


For the first time since last summer, I don't feel rushed. There are no looming deadlines. Yes, there are still daily expectations for work and caring for myself, but nothing pulsing in the back of my brain. I take my time cooking curried chicken and laughing with my friend. I return to the macrame wall hanging I started over two years ago and never finished. Making bread and tending to my plants and praying more and listening most. 

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