
practicing gratitude

Glendalough, Ireland // H. took this; it's way better than the two I snapped of this same view

My step-brother came over for brunch today. In between whisking eggs and half-n-half together, and testing the quiche to see if it was setting, he asked me a question. What am I hopeful for right now? I had to pause. Because it didn't come easily. Even though there are so many gifts in my life, I don't always feel tangible hope.

So, I am pausing again, this time to practice gratitude.

01. my fiddle leaf fig is doing well. I moved it to a new spot in the apartment, and I think it likes its new home.
02. FaceTime with my sister this morning, if even for a short bit. There is something magical about Wi-Fi connection being that good although you are 8,574 miles apart.
03. my beautiful friend and neighbor dropped by to bring me some cotton she picked for my fall wreath-making
04. the local library! recent finds: Garden CityHow to Do Nothing, and The Sabbath
05. actually loving my job this year as a music teacher at a local Catholic school. Year two, baby!
06. getting to see one of my favorite bands - Lowland Hum - live on Friday night with a dear, new friend who just moved to Norfolk
07. stumbling upon a YouTube channel of a sweet married couple from Georgia. i don't agree with all their perspectives, but there's something about their wholesomeness that is comforting.
08. getting to dote on my yet-to-be-born nephew, sending baby clothes and already spoiling that kiddo!
09. for the health of my family, spiritually and physically
10. a long phone chat on Thursday night to catch up with one of my closest friends from college. feeling mutual connection and love.

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