
this is what I know

35 mm // Northside Park - Norfolk, VA // spring 2018

I'm fumbling my way, groping towards authenticity. I want to live sacrificially, and honestly. But I am seeing my weakness more and more. This is growth, to realize how dependent I am on God, community, family. And my failing belongs. It all belongs. 

Flying back from Boston a few days ago, I finally finished Walking on Water. A friend recommended it this past spring; I've been drinking from a slow drip of L'Engle's insight since then. Mostly while stealing a few quiet minutes in the half dark of my room before dozing off to sleep at night. But this time, above New York City. There's nothing like being suspended in air with no distractions to focus my heart and mind. 

As always happens, her words resonated:
To know deeply is far more than to know consciously. In the realm of faith I know far more than I can believe with my finite mind. I know that a loving God will not abandon what he creates. I know that the human calling is cocreation with this power of love. I know that "neither death, nor life, nor angels. nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

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