
listening these days

When I should have been planning for a lesson on all things Egypt...I was compiling a list of recent fav albums. Very important, very important: 

01. Thin, Lowland Hum
02. A Dawn I Remember, Holly Arrowsmith 
03. Yellow House, Grizzly Bear 
04. Killer + the Sound, Phoebe Bridgers and Noah Gunderson 

Also, dreaming of when I will have time to make things like sourdough bread and really dive into film photography. I recently took a position as the music director for a Catholic school. Needless to say, I will be working hard this year. I am grateful and honored, but also slightly scared of the transition. I am not in control of this life, but I get to live it.

Also, so grateful for recent reconnection with souls I love. With two very important people in my life having either moved away or gone travelling for a time, I found myself reaching out to old friends. Isn't it beautiful how interconnected you may be with someone although physical distance remains? 

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