
Season of hustle, soul at rest

Photo: Heather Kaufmann // Durham, NC // winter 2019

I must remember that it's just a season, this year of hustle. (Well, it's not quite a whole year, just an academic year.)

How does one keep her heart at rest when there's so much pressure to do, do, do? And I want to maintain a spirit of excellence in my work, I want to finish strong. I will finish strong.

Then I remember the quiet moments. Walking among the young trees in a New Zealand orange grove, sneaking up on the birds, all by my lonesome. But not lonely.

Drinking in the faint light of stars with friends on a hanging bridge, also in New Zealand.

Mosquitoes biting all my available limbs last summer and I didn't care at all, cicadas chirping, trespassing with friends in Chesapeake.

There's a constant tension within me between my ambitions and my limitations. Wanting more, but also being content with the present. And it's not about wanting more stuff; it's about wanting more experiences, more connection with people, more knowledge (I always want to be reading more!), and wanting to create more. I have so many ideas bubbling every so slightly just beneath the surface, and I am trying to be ok with the reality that I can't get to them in this season. I am made for eternity, and my spirit feels that longing. 

These words echo throughout the full days,
"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."  [Colossians 1:17] 
And somewhere between those words, between the thousands of thoughts racing through my head, my soul finds rest.

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