
7 things I love about my church

[photo courtesy of churchrez.org]

01. the liturgy: I love the rich prayers, the ever-changing liturgical calendar, the church tradition, sacramental theology.

02. the balance: There is respect for holding a middle ground on such issues not critical to the Gospel, like infant baptism or whether or not the Eucharist really becomes the Body and Blood of Christ when a priest consecrates it.

03. the structure: I love the accountability that the church hierarchy brings within our parish, but also within the diocese. No priest or deacon is leading without adequate oversight.

04. the unity: I love that we are part of a larger church with other Anglican churches around the globe. The communion of believers.

05. the age diversity: I love that there are infants and elderly. My church is full of families, college students, and adults of all ages. I only wish there was more racial diversity.

06. the worship: I love the combination of traditional and contemporary music. On any given Sunday, we could go from a plainsong version of  Our Father, to a song from the Taize or Iona community, to something by Chris Tomlin or Fernando Ortega. We're working on getting that Gospel music in there ;)

07. the Spirit: I love that the Holy Spirit is not left out, as can sometimes happen in churches. Rather, my church relies on and craves the Spirit's work in our lives.




This no-make-up-fast feels like too much vulnerability.
Everyone gets to see the raw me.


But what am I trying to hide?

I am a sinner, weak and needy.
No stronger than the homeless woman whose whole life is laid bare before the eyes of the public.
No weaker than the suburban mom with hair, nails, face all "finished," for we are all bare beneath those outer garments.

"Rend your hearts, and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love,
and repents of evil."
[Joel 2:13]