
"Creativity takes courage." [Henri Matisse]

Lately I am reminded that I am a limited being. I'm slowly learning to accept my imperfections more consciously, as well as my potential to mess up, to hurt those I love. Though that is painful, accepting it brings freedom. Because I am reminded that I will never do anything out of the ordinary if I don't jump first, opening myself to being wrong, to making mistakes. I must embrace my own brokenness. I must embrace the ashes in order to allow for them to become beautiful.

This takes courage.

I believe that God doesn't promise prosperity and success. He doesn't call me to follow him with the assurance that everything will be rosy, that all my earthly desires will be fulfilled. No. Instead, he promises his continual presence (even though I don't always feel his nearness). And he promises to make beauty from the ashes. Will I trust that promise? Will I choose faith, take risks, and leap to create?

[the photo above: dear E. at my old Washington St. apt. and this song she showed me this week]

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