
cooking with ramps

My favorite Dutch saying goes like this, "Doe maar gewoon, dan doe je al gek genoeg."

Roughly translated, it reminds me, "Just be normal, for that is crazy enough!"  

But then I go and cook with ramps. (It's ok if you've never heard of them. Neither had I.) Ramps are wild leeks and they cost $19.99/lb. at Whole Foods. That's right. Almost 20 bucks. Gah! Despite the price tag, I bought half a pound of these scallion-like leeks and proceeded to make some savory hand pies. 

They were quite good. (Thanks to Sarah Britton for her recipe!) The ramps have a slightly onion-y flavor, and coupled with peas, lemon, goat cheese, and caraway seeds in a spelt flour crust, they are more than delicious. Loaded with flavonoids, these guys are nutritious! 

But the guilt continued. Though the food was nourishing, I couldn't shake that frugal Dutch voice inside my head. It kept nagging me that I had wasted my money. Yes, I fed my body with good food, but had I gone a little too far in exploring the world of organics and nutrition? 

Maybe I had. I realize that cooking with ramps is decidedly NOT normal. But I did it anyway.

(And I finally found consolation for spending that money in the thought of supporting some local farmer. I support what you're doing, how you're providing nutritious food for your community! Whoever you are, keep growing your beautiful produce!)

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