
I'm fan-girling hard

Property of The New Domestic.org

Inspired lately by the life and work of Michelle Garrels. There was one week recently where I was constantly telling my sister (who is also my roommate) a new fact about the Garrels family every single day.

Mother to five kiddos, wife of musician Josh Garrels, home-school teacher, visual artist/designer. Can I be just like her when I'm 39?

I'm attracted by the purity that their family exudes. From the beautiful intentional way they name their children to their practice of rest every week to her perspective on home-schooling and doing it in ways that feel authentic to her (which means lots of outside time and nature study, lots of audio books, and incorporating crafts into the curriculum simply because she loves making things), she and Josh are creating a family culture of beauty, truth, and connectedness to one another.

And now, please excuse me, as I am gonna go peruse her blog and watch more YouTube videos about them!