
holding onto happy

Michigan Ave, Chi-town

Because I want to remember this state of my soul tonight.

Wonderful conversation with friends tonight, new and old. Nothing like human connection to soothe my lonely edges. Talking about the messiness of life. Not being afraid to dive into the questions.

I realized I'm in this strange land of not being where I want to be (career, relationships, geographical region, religion/spirituality/church) yet I have this peace that where I am right now is exactly where I need to be. There's no mistake.

Life is not at all what I expected it to be at 25 years old/young.

But it's good, and OK in its own way.

And maybe that faint, though often strong, nagging that there's something better, more 'right' for me in this lifetime is just an eternal longing that won't ever be fulfilled this side of heaven. Maybe I should get used to longing. Dang it.

[ Listening these days: The Oh Hellos reminding me how it's sun and rain. Both/and. ]